Phraim - /fɹeɪm/

Nina Reiter voc. | Stephan Plecher p. | Marc Mezgolits b. | Peter Primus Frosch dr.                           special guest: Domenic Landolf, bcl.

They can’t take that away (George & Ira Gershwin), The Story of Anne Boleyn (N. Reiter | Sir T. Wyatt), The Song of you and me (N. Reiter), Nur ein Wort (J. Holofernes | P. Roy | M. Tavassol | J. M. Tourette), Descent (M. Mezgolits), Sexual Redemption (M. Mezgolits | N. Reiter), I am Plant (N. Reiter), Winds of May (N. Reiter | J. Joyce), Contact (P. P. Frosch | N. Reiter), Schön warst du da (M. Mezgolits)

QFTF Records, QFTF/116

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